It should also be pointed out that advancements in the field have nothing to do with Jehovah's witnesses. at all. They were not the least bit influential.
Jonathan Drake
JoinedPosts by Jonathan Drake
Please reach out to Te New Yorker
by Jonathan Drake ini have found an article on their website that moved me to contact them.
i share it here hoping more will contact in a similar vein and maybe we can raise awareness and tear down this propaganda.
i'm writing regarding an article about jehovah's witnesses and their blood transfusion doctrine, found here: is clear to me, reading this article, that it's writer is either profoundly ignorant or profoundly biased.
Please reach out to Te New Yorker
by Jonathan Drake ini have found an article on their website that moved me to contact them.
i share it here hoping more will contact in a similar vein and maybe we can raise awareness and tear down this propaganda.
i'm writing regarding an article about jehovah's witnesses and their blood transfusion doctrine, found here: is clear to me, reading this article, that it's writer is either profoundly ignorant or profoundly biased.
Jonathan Drake
Then we need to go to war with Amanda. -
Please reach out to Te New Yorker
by Jonathan Drake ini have found an article on their website that moved me to contact them.
i share it here hoping more will contact in a similar vein and maybe we can raise awareness and tear down this propaganda.
i'm writing regarding an article about jehovah's witnesses and their blood transfusion doctrine, found here: is clear to me, reading this article, that it's writer is either profoundly ignorant or profoundly biased.
Jonathan Drake
I have found an article on their website that moved me to contact them. I share it here hoping more will contact in a similar vein and maybe we can raise awareness and tear down this propaganda.
I'm writing regarding an article about Jehovah's Witnesses and their blood transfusion doctrine, found here:
It is clear to me, reading this article, that it's writer is either profoundly ignorant or profoundly biased. This group should not at all be praised for this terrible facet of their doctrine. Do you have any idea how many people have died because of this dogma? How many children have died? Can you imagine how many mothers died in childbirth along with the infant because of this belief?
Would you praise such tragedy?
Please allow me to educate you on Jehovah's Witness doctrine, as it has nothing to do with science. Originally, The doctrine was to deny all blood, all vaccinations, and all organ transplants. It was believed by Witnesses that if one accepted another's blood or organs they would inherit part of that individuals personality. Thus, they believed they might become violent, drunkards, drug addicts, depressed - whatever possible malady of any kind the donor may have had, the receiver would inherit.
The doctrine changed rather quickly regarding vaccines, because from what I've read it appears the schools here in America threatened to deny Witness children entry unless they were vaccinated. The rest, however, went unchanged for many years. Killing hundreds, no doubt, all around the world. It would eventually allow organ transplants, but never transfusions of blood - even until today, under any circumstances.
You can google several recent examples of tragedy resulting from this doctrine. It is absolutely appalling to read any praise going to this terrible cult for its wanton, indiscriminate mass murder.
I URGE, you to take down this terrible article. I ask, further, that you do an article which shows an HONEST picture of this religion in this regard. One that shows how many have died, often terrible deaths, all because of how some man interprets the bible - not at all for the advancement of medicine.
- Rich -
What percentage of the population are gay?
by fulltimestudent induring the long debate on the question of gay marriage, there have been many competing answers to the question of, "how many people are gay?".
a very anti-gay christian minister in sydney, the reverend fred nile, (who is also a member of the state parliament) claims that the percentage is as low as 1%.. some university (u.of new south wales) research in sydney has suggested 5%, but the authors of the study cautioned that there was a problem in the fact that an unknown number of respondents would likely not admit to being gay.. there are other problems in asking the question.
for example, what does being gay mean?
Jonathan Drake
I don't think this question should matter. -
The Bible is NOT Error-Free
by FusionTheism infor many christians, the bible is viewed as the 100% error-free, perfect book straight from god, where every single word was carefully chosen by god for a reason.
but, usually, when you have a discussion on the topic, these christians will end up saying that only the original copies written directly from the hands of the prophets and apostles were error-free, and all manuscript copies since then are subject to copyist mistakes and other errors.. since zero original copies are in existence, how do we know the originals were error-free?
why should we think the originals should be error-free to begin with?
Jonathan Drake
Again, then: Cofty aka Vivian?
And I am not the only poster on this Forum that has stated this suspicion. And not because of any similarities in thinking. Cofty's posts are logical. Vivian's post are remarks, deliberately disruptive, obfuscating, assertive, divertive, as if a device by another poster to MANipulate the thread.Just wow 😮
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Christian or Cult, Do JWs Offer Solutions for Local and Global Problems of life?
by skepticSam inthe awake on "hope for the homelessness" was one of the worse illustrations how the cult has no love for anyone that can't provide donations to further this spiritual ponzi scheme!
the premise of this awake made no sense, i've read many books and took classes on social issues affecting mankind, the awake does not help fix the problem.
what did this magazine offer those who are suffering the humiliation of living out of their cars or "tent city" or under a bridge?
Jonathan Drake
What the hell I meant to type 'no' I swear. Lol -
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Christian or Cult, Do JWs Offer Solutions for Local and Global Problems of life?
by skepticSam inthe awake on "hope for the homelessness" was one of the worse illustrations how the cult has no love for anyone that can't provide donations to further this spiritual ponzi scheme!
the premise of this awake made no sense, i've read many books and took classes on social issues affecting mankind, the awake does not help fix the problem.
what did this magazine offer those who are suffering the humiliation of living out of their cars or "tent city" or under a bridge?
Jonathan Drake
As to the title question:
CHRISTIANITY is a cult. So the answer is just 'yes'
The Confederate Flag
by Simon inthe latest controversy over the confederate flag just sums up to me the state of dysfunction that exists in american society.. in summary: a white supremacist nutter shoots 9 black people dead in a church.
he's clearly inspired by the messages of others which the confederate flag is often a symbol of.. it seems like a no-brainer to remove it.
not only isn't it removed, it isn't even lowered at all as a mark of respect.. and of course now there are the people who want to defend their right to have it.
Jonathan Drake
I literally want Britain to rule us again.
The things I've seen on FB over this flag make me sick. I've felt it should be gone since I first learned what it was in school.
The Bible is NOT Error-Free
by FusionTheism infor many christians, the bible is viewed as the 100% error-free, perfect book straight from god, where every single word was carefully chosen by god for a reason.
but, usually, when you have a discussion on the topic, these christians will end up saying that only the original copies written directly from the hands of the prophets and apostles were error-free, and all manuscript copies since then are subject to copyist mistakes and other errors.. since zero original copies are in existence, how do we know the originals were error-free?
why should we think the originals should be error-free to begin with?
Jonathan Drake
The bible is either true or it is not. There cannot be some strange middle ground. If God is like a man that can make errors in his writings then God is my equal and should I meet him I will beat the hell out of him.
If you are willing to admit the bible has errors then it is only a very small step (soon to be taken I suspect) to realizing it's all a bunch of horse shit. Why would an omnipotent, omniscient God leave his perfect fallible word? 😂
Jehovah Witness cult is Anti-christ.... proof seen in the use of BCE/CE instead of AD/BC
by goingthruthemotions inso being around this cult, i always found it interesting that the rest of christianity use ad/bc and the non christians use bce/ce.
i never put two and two together.
but, it dawned on me that once again there is hidden proof that the witness cult is and anti-christ cult.
Jonathan Drake
I prefer, AC/DC